European Trip Report

I’m Bill, a sexaholic from the USA. Last August I arrived in Warsaw for a weekend retreat. We had nearly 50 SA members from Poland, Slovakia, Finland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain for a discussion of several principles of recovery from sexaholism. Half a dozen women members were in attendance. Topics included powerlessness, the allergy and the obsession, breaking the cycle of addiction, creating a culture of recovery, protecting our fellowship by the Traditions, and the program as a design for living.

On Sunday, a group of us took the train to Cracow. Six of us shared a compartment for several hours, and we had an unbelievably wonderful time on the way. Monday night we attended the regular meeting with the Cracow fellowship. On Tuesday and Wednesday, there was a discussion of portions of the AA Big Book, and the program of recovery that has worked for alcoholics and sexaholics.

On Thursday morning, I flew to Munich, Germany. After a couple of days resting, and seeing some of the sights of Munich, we gathered two dozen SA members in Friesing and spent the weekend discussing the Twelve Step program of recovery. I found the same eagerness for directions about working the Steps of recovery in Germany that I had encountered in Poland.

I traveled to Bremen, Germany for a retreat with 34 attendees, two of whom were women. Again, I found a strong interest in learning about the directions for working the Steps found in the Big Book.

Some personal reflections on this trip: We have an International fellowship. Persons of different nationalities, religions, and other categories can join together in our 5th Tradition primary purpose.

Our SA International Central Office tells us that a majority of sexaholics are in groups outside North America. International travel is much more fun when you are visiting SA friends. The more I try to pass on, the more my Higher Power gives me. For me this is truly a road of happy destiny.

Bill S.

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