Real Women Stories of Freedom

What does it mean to be free of lust?

Marie: Being free from lust means I can give instead of take. When I see a woman who looks tired or unhappy I acknowledge her by saying ‘Hello’ or giving her a true compliment. Seeing the change in her is a joy and I never have to lie again!

What was it like when you weren’t living in this freedom?

Marie: When I was 11 I started masturbating, what a high, soon it was not enough. Pornography & encouraging my older brother to do whatever he wanted to do to me worked for a while. Using animate and inanimate objects, acting out in public and having sex with 25 different men in 6 months wasn’t enough. I still needed a greater high. Then I figured out the highest high I could have and realized it would kill me. I was 64 years old.

How did you finally experience freedom?

Marie: I finally experienced true freedom when I realized the high I so wanted was an attempt to cover my deepest sorrow of not feeling connected to anyone. Working the SA program with a sponsor, my first connection, started me on my journey to freedom in recovery.

How did S.A. members help you in your journey to freedom?

Marie: SA members help me in my journey to freedom: by being my sponsors who told me what to do and made sure I did them, being in mixed meetings helped me see men as brothers not sex objects, members listening without comments helped me feel safe. Retreats & International Conventions helped me see the possibilities for service.

What would you like to say to the women who will be at ‘Together, and Never Alone Again’ this year?

Marie: Go to as many meetings as you can. Choose the ones that make you want to cry. They will be the most healing. Take care of your physical and emotional needs. Get as many women’s contact information as possible. Enjoy the experience!

Marie W. from Tacoma, Washington (sobriety date: 8/20/2005)

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