SA Growth

In 1988 there were SA meetings in Germany, Washington D.C., Simi Valley and the LA area, San Diego, Nashville, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Portland (Oregon), Seattle, Chicago, New York City, Boston, St. Louis, Rochester, and a few other cities. At that time Nashville had six meetings per week, which we believe was the most per capita in the world! Today SA has meetings around the world, on all continents except Antarctica.

The first International Conference of SA/S-Anon outside North America took place in Israel in January, 2017. About 750 registered for the three days. Strong Regions and Intergroups exist in North America, Europe, Germany, Taiwan, Australia, Israel, and Iran. The Regions have conferences as well as the Intergroups. Translation of SA literature into a variety of languages occurs with and without coordination with SA International Central Office (SAICO).

The February Europe Region (EMER) Gratitude week led to the following note from SAICO: “Thank you to all the members who donated to the SA Fellowship during Gratitude Week. We received donations in US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Euros, British Pounds, and Polish Zlotys. The total of all donations is Euros €2486.67 or US Dollars $2641.80. We wish you well in your continuing SA recovery.”

This is an exciting time for Sexaholics Anonymous! 

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