What If?


What if today’s the day I meet several life long friends? What if the community I am joining at my school is beyond my wildest imagination? What if today is the first day I get to act on a life long dream? What if today starts something that cannot be stopped and has already been finished? Something transcendent, holy, and exquisite?

What if God is saying, “Fasten your seatbelt, my son, and hang on for the ride of your life!” What if God has no limits whatsoever on what he plans to do in me over the next four years; He looks at me and sees limitless potential for love, meaning and healing?

What if I am standing in the doorway of the greatest adventure — the grandest opportunity — that life has ever gifted me? And God is clutching my hand as we step on in.

God Waiting

What if God longs to bless me but He’s waiting for me to ask? What if there’s no such thing as unanswered prayer, but instead God doesn’t usually answer in the way I expect? What if all of history is God’s singular attempt to win my heart?

What if God’s plans for me today are for joy, transcendence and love? What if I was to say “yes” to those plans?

What if where I am in the moment — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — is exactly where I am supposed to be? What if all my life experiences to date were not only necessary but sufficient for the bringing about God’s purpose in my life?

What if, when God looks at me, He sees me outside of time? What if He sees the eternal, whole me — and that is all He has ever seen?

What if God stays up all night, every night, singing over me? What if every near-miss and every wake up call are my limited perception of the angels watching over me? What if I was aware of God’s involvement in every aspect of life? Would I ever doubt His sovereignty? Would I ever question His care for me?

What if the worst this world knows is the very present reminder that God saves through suffering and one day He will save us from it?

Matthew R., Oregon

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