The Gift of Healing

In the early recovery stages, the pain of my addiction was excruciating. Today I want to pay it forward, as others did for me. I discovered 12 essential keys that have contributed to my personal recovery.

Sweet Surrender – When I truly embraced Steps 1-3, I began to heal from the malady from which I suffered. Really turning my will over to God rather than managing life myself, was the first key to getting healthier.

Humbling Honesty – My Higher Power to reveal to me, through others, the true impact of my decisions, defects, and shortcomings. Only continuously and honestly facing the hard facts of my addiction and the negative impacts am I able to see reality.

Destroy Demons – While my home was good and my parents essentially decent, many attitudes and viewpoints in my family of origin were erroneous and damaging. Creating a new approach laid a foundation for my progress in recovery.

Freely Forgiving – I came to recognize that holding onto a grudge was a roadblock to progress. How could I expect God to forgive me of the pain I had caused if I refused that same forgiveness to others? I have found that a desire to freely forgive others allows me to accept my Higher Power’s peace.

Conscious Choice – I learned to embrace discomfort and lean into pain. Each time a situation was presented, I had to consciously choose to go forward. When something uncomfortable arose, I took it. When amends were necessary, I did it.

Patient Perspective – Our journeys are one day at a time, one footstep at a time. Occasionally, I reach a summit with a sense of accomplishment looking back. I understand that a patient perspective was paramount to progress.

Fraternal Fellowship – Throughout the past 5½ years the loving support from others gave me unity, encouragement, and sustenance. Loving advice kept me focused on the goal and loving compassion allowed me to grieve and heal.

Constant Connection – After decades of isolating, outreach to others was hard. Those further along the recovery path encouraged me time and time again to make calls. Some days there was only one connection. Some days there were many. Likewise, communion with God has linked me to Him more than I had ever dreamed.

Media Management – I learned that I had to eliminate lust in order to recover. I rigorously check out the content of films. I limit internet media consumption to only the safest of sites. I commit not to allow lust to enter into my mind or heart.

Standard Self-Care –My unbalanced approach to life compromised my ability to be present, to deal with challenges, and to relish life. Proper priorities for self-care is another key to my recovery. A good book, a leisurely walk, new music, travel excursions and cultural events all are keys to healthy life.

Spiritual Sustenance – When I find that I am flagging emotionally, it is usually through lack of spiritual nourishment. Adequate spiritual nutrition has been as vital for me as meals. When I feed my soul, I am able to remember the potential God has given me if I stay sober.

Gift of Gratitude – An SA veteran shared that the trial of addiction can transform into triumph. I frankly didn’t believe him, and his multidecade sobriety gave me hope. I now understand. My heart is filled with gratitude to all who have helped me on my path of recovery. Seeking gratitude for all things is a lifelong task, but the attitude of gratitude bears a bountiful harvest.

Brian B.

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