True Surrender

I just finished a two-hour working session with a sponsee at a coffee shop. We were upstairs, mainly deserted, only one couple at the far end, who looked like they were down on their luck. I used the restroom and headed out when I noticed the gentleman that was upstairs coming down the stairs. I realized I had left my brand new cell phone on the sofa that he had just passed. I went and checked and it was gone. Panic set in. I caught up to him before he got out the door and asked politely, “Hey, did you just find a black cell phone where we were just sitting?” He said nope.

So I ran back into the bathroom and nothing. He was the only one who could have had it. So I went outside and asked again, “Hey brother, did you grab that black cell phone or find one near that couch?” He said “Ah, no I didn’t.”

I could tell he wasn’t being truthful. As he walked down the sidewalk I ran to catch up with him. No one else was around, it was an early Saturday morning and I said, “Hey no questions asked, I will give you a hundred bucks if you give me back my phone.” He just looked at me and then started to walk away. I asked again, “Listen man I am in recovery and my whole life is on that phone.” He said, “I’m in recovery, too, and I respect that.” I said, “Brother, please can you give me back my phone. I will give you a hundred dollars right now.” He said “nah, nah” and started to walk away. I pleaded with him again, “Listen man, my whole life is on that phone. Please will you give me back my phone?” He looked at me with a long pause and said, “What color is it?” I said it is a black HTC. He said “How do I know you are not just offering me money for someone else’s phone?” I said “Turn it on and I will describe everything in it.” Then he told me he had planned to turn it in at another spot.

He reached into his pocket hesitantly and pulled it out. He handed it to me, I shook his hand, and I said, “Here let me give you some money.” “No, no that’s OK,” he responded. I handed him 40 dollars anyway and said he probably could use this, then I gave him a hug and told him I loved him. He looked like he felt bad and said, “Now I got to go do some Step work.” We laughed and I thanked him and wished him a great day.

I know he was down on his luck and just needed money, I pray for him today that this will let him know he is loved and that God met a need that he must have had.

I am just grateful to get the phone back, have all my recovery stuff back, and be able to text you all this story.

Dennis T., Geek Camp WhatsApp group

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