Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers,

This issue of Essay includes many stories on “Travel & SA Recovery.” Our next issue will focus on “Lost in Translations” (experiencing SA in other languages and cultures) in August, 2020. Please send in any stories or short articles on your experience with language changes in Sexaholics Anonymous. Future topics may include: Personal Prejudice and SA and Happy and Joyous Freedom. Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org. Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print continues. The free download of each issue in both English and Spanish reaches sexaholics around the world. As other translations are made available, we put them on our website. Posts on our web site make access to meaningful articles simple. All of these are at sa.org/essay

Want to have a copy of Essay to hand to a newcomer or interested therapist? Mailed print subscriptions are the way to do that. Print or electronic, each version of Essay can serve you as a Meeting in Print. Thank you for being readers of Essay!

The Editors (David M., Kent A., Daniel T., Will W.)

& Artists (Christian M., Jimmy M., Luc D.)

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