Pure Coincidence?

Eight years ago, I decided to take a month’s leave of absence from work to travel to Florida and enjoy the beautiful March weather of the sunshine state, as well as to practice my favorite sport: golf. One important concern I had when I made that decision: how would I be able to maintain my SA routine that has enabled me to keep progressing in my recovery, which includes attending, on a regular basis, SA meetings?

I consulted the list of new meetings worldwide published in each Essay. Well, through the pages of the Winter issue of Essay of that year, I experienced what I called a “little miracle.” That list happened to include a new meeting precisely in the little town where I had rented an apartment!

As soon as I arrived in that town, I learned that the meeting was only a five minutes drive from my apartment. Pure coincidence? I do not believe so. My Higher Power was taking care of me!

Every year since, I rent the same apartment in March and I attend that same meeting. With time, I developed relationships with SA members of that area. They informed me of the existence of another meeting in a town nearby not more than 15 minutes drive from where I am located.

I am thankful to God, SA and the members who decided to form a group in that town. I am sure that when they made that decision, they had no idea that it would allow me to continue to attend meetings while being away from home. And I realized that lust and SA have no geographical boundaries.

Jean C., Quebec, Canada

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