The Numbers & The Virus

First quarter results were promising. Fellowship contributions were back to budget levels. Literature sales were returning to normal. We were finding the way. We were on the right track. Then the Corona Virus struck in mid-March. There was no warning; there was no ramp up; there is no play book. Our meeting room lights were shut off, not dimmed, but just dark. The Fellowship found the way. We turned to our phones and computers and we were joined together in our virtual meetings. The SAICO office found the way to extend their work space to work at home, despite three members needing to self-isolate. The office is open, the mail, phone calls, emails are being answered, literature orders, and contributions are being posted, service committees are functioning and all are safe. They found the way.

Literature orders and contributions had dried up. How bad would it get; how long will it last?

The situation was dire. You could hear it at the virtual meetings, “It’s now time for our 7th Tradition, we have no dues or fees, we are self-supporting through our own contributions.” But how do we contribute over the phone or on ZOOM? The Toronto convention and other events were canceled. Would the Atlanta convention need to be canceled? It appeared we were burning through $4,000 per week keeping the office running. At that rate, we could survive 27 weeks on the prudent reserve from April 1 on.

SAICO would qualify for the Federal PPP loan program to cover three months of salaries. But our Traditions advise us differently. Things were bleak. As one Delegate shouted, at the end of GDA meeting, without having had time to give the financial report, “I want to hear the financial report — How bad is it?”

Then SAICO ran the Profit/Loss statement for April: REVENUE – $35.7K, EXPENSE – $19.6K, NET INCOME – $16.1K. Most of the revenue arrived the last 10 days of April. Since, Nashville reports their convention finances were better than expected and their check is on the way and the SW region is also sending a nice contribution, the Fellowship has found a way. We are so very grateful. After all, our lives depend on recovery.

Carlton B., SAICO Finance Chair

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