Hearing God’s Voice by Keeping Silent

Two months ago, a member told me that several members of our fellowship were angry with me. I told the situation in a very long audio message to my sponsor. He suggested to me to shut up for a while and to not speak in meetings. He also told me that he had experienced that himself, which had been a very enriching experience for him. He added that people would be able to hear my voice even if I did not speak; and that I would feel closer to God by not reacting and rather listening.

Today, I have not spoken at a meeting for over a month, and yes, it is a blessing! People are sharing things at the meeting that I need to hear. I can really hear God’s voice through them, and now, more people have started to visit my home group. It is really special.

I wanted to organize a regular workshop. This was probably also the result of my own self-will. After praying and talking it out with my sponsor, I saw that it would be better if I stepped down from the position and from organizing the workshop. What happened as a result! We have an amazing workshop, with many people involved in making it happen. Each time it happens, there’s a member who leads the workshop with a different oldtimer. It’s fantastic to see so many people get together through the Steps.

So, in my experience, “What Makes Meetings Strong?” Service rotation, listening to the group, doing what I don’t want to do, following instructions, and not trying to fix everything.

Sometimes it seems to me that if I don’t fix something, no one will fix it, and we will crash. But God always uses someone to prepare the meeting, to translate for a guest, or to lead the meeting instead of me :-). I am just a small part of the fellowship. My sponsor told me that the fellowship was here a long time before I came and will also be here without me, and I now see clearly how true this is.

I am grateful that I can use my ability to be of service, even on the international level, and wish all the best to the people who are doing service – not to control them. And I see how God shows His Love and Power through others.

Martin S., Senica, Slovakia

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