The Important Mission of the Persian Translation Committee

When I came into the program about ten years ago, there wasn’t much Persian-translated SA literature. We didn’t have any translation of the SA White Book yet. This led to an imperfect understanding of the Sobriety Definition, which caused our fellowship to have loose or erroneous interpretations of it for many years.

Due to our isolation from the international SA fellowship, the only reliable resource giving us insight into how to work the program was the literature. I remember reading the few available translations over and over again.

Thanks to the rise of the internet we were able to connect to the worldwide fellowship, which helped us to develop a better understanding of the concept of lust and how to recover from it. But even today this understanding is still not accessible to everyone in our fellowship as most fellows don’t understand English.

The mission of the Persian Translation Committee is to translate the newest SA literature in the fastest and most accurate way in order to carry the correct SA message to every fellow in our region. To motivate and thank the committee members they receive a brass badge for each translation of literature they complete.

Hamed T., Isfahan, Iran

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