Strengths and Weaknesses

I will survive if I am strong
I will perish if I am weak
I will beat my addiction
I will not admit defeat

My addiction is cunning
It deceives its true intent
It preys on my weakness
I have morality and good motives
Yet I rage at my detractors

My addiction is baffling
It seeks to make confusion
It preys on my weakness
I am self-reliant and confident
And quick to blame others for defeat

My addiction is patient
It waits in the shadows as I worry
It preys on my weakness
I am prideful and a perfectionist
And fear the judgment from others

My addiction is powerful
It strengthens on resistance
It preys on my weakness
I am determined to solve all problems
And resort to lies and manipulation if all else fails

My strength has become my weakness
My strength has served me well and I am grateful
I avoided the annihilation I feared
But it proved not to be enough

I seek another way

I see others have gone this way before
Relying on others to trudge this road
Admitting their weaknesses and finding strength
My weakness can become my strength

My recovery is cunning
It slowly reveals its ways
I pray on my weakness
Please let me not rage at my detractors
Let me listen for the lesson God is giving me

My recovery is baffling
It is hard, but easy
I pray on my weakness
Please let me not blame for my failure
I seek the understanding of others

My recovery is patient
It reveals itself when I am ready to learn
I pray on my weakness
Please let me not fear judgment of others
I rejoice in my blessings and the graces from God

My recovery is powerful
It is strengthened by my surrender
I pray on my weakness
Please give me resilience to be patient and calm
So that I may find truths greater than me

I will admit defeat
I cannot beat my addiction
I will perish if I proclaim power
I will survive if I admit weakness

Shawn N., Pennsylvania, USA

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