Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers,

The theme of this issue is about the prejudices and challenges we all encounter sooner or later on the path of recovery.

Read how a Colombian member couldn’t believe that there were people on this earth who could do things without self-interest. A religious Jewish fellow in New York left his fears behind and found brothers and sisters growing together with a common solution. An Indian member was afraid of being judged if members found out about his particular form of acting out. An 80-year-old old-timer shares about the challenges of growing old in SA. And a young Israeli woman tells us how she discovered prejudice to be a deep part of her disease keeping her from recovery.

If you haven’t done it yet, could we please ask you to take five minutes to improve your magazine by filling in this short online survey: https://forms.gle/kHFENdRDEVapPm3UA

In fellowship,

The Editors (Luc D., Kent A., Daniel T., Brian C., Doug H., Emily J.)

& Artists (LaRon W., Jimmy M.)

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