Saying “Hi” to SAICO

The Essay recently had a chance to interview Laura, the new Office Manager of SAICO. The article provides a brief insight into what SAICO does on behalf of the world-wide fellowship.

Laura, how many years have you been working in our SA Central Office?

On September 4th this year I will have worked for SAICO for 13 years.

How did you end up working with people who have sex addiction?

I consider working here my God job. When my youngest left for college I asked God to guide me towards where He wanted me to be. Then Linda, who works at SAICO, told me that the office needed help. When I called in, Kay, who was the office manager at the time, handed me the brochure and told me to look it over and see if I was still interested. I almost fell off my chair. Well, I always wanted a job that would make a real difference to people and so, here it is, but I had no idea before this that it would be in this area.

What did you study?

I completed a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

What was your previous work experience?

My previous jobs included Health Systems planner, insurance claims adjustor, paralegal, and tax preparer.

What have been your most outstanding highlights in your work for SA so far?

My 2 biggest highlights were attending the first conventions outside North America. Another joyful part of working at SAICO is knowing our work helps save lives and families. I also love meeting old-timers and hearing their stories of recovery and hope.

What have been the most difficult things to handle?

COVID-19 is the biggest challenge we have faced so far. This has been a year of firsts for everyone.

What does your job entail?

It’s very broad. It covers aspects of administrative management, staff supervision, financial management, internet maintenance, the SA service structure, SA International Conventions, and the administration of archives. It also includes training others on various managerial duties.

And, final question, who else works in SAICO and what’s their job?

We work as a team. Linda does bookkeeping, banking, reports, payroll benefits, tax records and research. Wendy does graphic design for our brochures, Zoom meetings, committee Minutes, bookkeeping, conventions management, and Essay distribution. And Jenny is our most recent fabulous addition, primarily in charge of processing and shipping orders. We work together to get the Essay sent. Kay thankfully continues to serve, nowadays as a paid consultant.

Editor’s note: If you want to read in greater detail the work SAICO does, you can go to the COMC report which sums it up pretty well.

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