The Translations Committee

The main purpose of the SA fellowship is to carry the message to the sexaholic who still suffers, but to do that when the fellowship today ranges to the ends of the earth? Translations is one of the crucial channels to get in touch with SA worldwide. Although probably all of us want to have things done as simply and as easily as possible, some regulations are needed and some legal rules to be followed (e.g. copyrights). The members of the committee take care of the documents which need to be filed to launch and later finalize the translation process. Here is the personal experience of a member of the Translations Committee:

My service on the Translations Committee of the SA Board of Trustees has been a learning experience from the beginning in 2018. I was excited about becoming part of the Committee largely because I spoke a non-English language. I was told that being proficient in a foreign language was not a requirement for serving on the committee. I was given the role as Committee Liaison to the Spanish Language Translations Committee, my second language of expertise, soon after coming on the Committee. My first task was to learn and administrate the multi-step process from Requesting Permission to Translate to Permission to Publish a particular SA literature publication.

Mastering and assimilating the Translation Process has been a prolonged process. However, it is essential to protect Copyright and to help ensure the integrity of Translations Projects. Today, I also serve as Committee Liaison for two other SA language committees. And I don’t speak a word of either language. Don’t need to. I am now excited to be part of a team of fellow SA servants in facilitating the spread of SA Literature and videos as requests come to the Translations Committee from SA around the world.

Service in SA enhances my recovery. Specifically, serving on the Translations Committee has offered many opportunities to practice humility (I don’t know it all, really not anything, I need help, I am part of a team and not indispensable). I have seen modeled by other members a simple desire to be helpful with no concern for personal gain. In short, I have seen a genuine spirit of service that I want for myself.

The Translations Committee work is a vital part of our 5th Tradition. The spread of AA literature has been a key component of its growth (AABB, p. xix). If you are considering growing in SA service, the Translations Committee is seeking more members who want to serve. Knowledge of a non-English language is not needed. I speak from experience. Contact SAICO for more information:

Duane D., South Carolina, USA

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