Editors' Corner

Editors’ Corner

Dear ESSAY readers,

A good deal of us came in through professionals of various kinds, whether they were therapists, helpline workers, psychiatrists, life coaches, or clergy members. The AA Big Book gives a clear recommendation not to disregard human health measures: “God has abundantly supplied this world with fine doctors, psychologists, and practitioners of various kinds. Do not hesitate to take your health problems to such persons.” (AA 133) On the same page, it adds: “Their services are often indispensable in treating a newcomer and in following his case afterward.” In this regard, we see that many of us start making use of their services after being for some time in SA and finding out we need professional help on our underlying traumas and personality disorders.

This makes cooperating with professionals so important to the well-being of our future and current members alike. We can safely do this if we let ourselves be guided by guided by the experience of the Traditions. “While an SA group may cooperate with anyone, such cooperation ought never go so far as affiliation or endorsement, actual or implied.” (AA 564)

We hope that the shares in this edition may inspire you and your local fellowship to cultivate a grateful and fruitful collaboration with those men and women who “give freely of themselves, that their fellows may enjoy sounds minds and bodies.” (AA 133)


The Editorial Team essay@sa.org

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