In this time of year, Sexaholics Anonymous casts a glance into the future and asks “What do we need to fulfill our primary purpose? How can we best support the ever-growing needs of the fellowship worldwide?” Part of that planning is to create a financial budget for the next year.
The coming year appears to be a difficult one due to inflation and greater needs in the fellowship. We ask you to increase financial support to SA through your local groups, intergroups, and directly to SAICO.
Under Tradition Eight, we have a marvelous set of trusted volunteers and dedicated staff at SAICO to support all the work we do throughout the world. We can only have that staff with the practice of Tradition Seven by every group.
The Finance Committee considered many scenarios regarding our budget. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic halted in-person meetings and book sales came to a stand-still. These were our primary sources of income. The fellowship responded generously that year and supplied an abundance of funding to SAICO. This gave SA a surplus which we have used for the benefit of the whole Fellowship the following two years.
This coming year, we see the opposite. The world has opened up, SA has two face-to-face international conventions scheduled, and inflation took off. We must compensate our staff sufficiently to keep them above inflation. Travel costs suddenly resume, higher than before because of the international conventions. These are our two major expenses.
The initial budget plan showed a deep deficit. Finance Committee and the Trustees have cut many expenses. We have halted plans for a new hire; the Trustees are taking personal responsibility for half of their travel. Still, the budget is in a deficit state for 2023. The General Delegate Assembly has the final word on the budget.
Remaining excess reserves will carry us through 2023. It is up to the fellowship to fund future years. We rely solely on contributions our members make, personally and through intergroups and regions. In The Language Of The Heart, Bill W. writes, “… [not taking money from the outside world] leaves us with a responsibility – one that every member ought to understand. We cannot skimp when the treasurer of our group passes the hat. Our groups, our [regions], and [SA] as a whole will not function unless our services are sufficient and their bills are paid … when we are generous with the hat we give a token that we are grateful for our blessings and evidence that we are eager to share what we have found with all those who still suffer.” [p 221]
Please consider increasing your contribution to the work of Sexaholics Anonymous. A “dollar in the hat” is no longer sufficient for the good we do. Can we now put “a fiver” in the hat? Direct contributions are always welcomed. It is up to us to decide what kind of future we want for Sexaholics Anonymous.
Kent A., Chair Finance Committee