Did you know that SA has a produced 30-second Public Service Announcement and that you can get it played on your local television station? If we’ve piqued your curiosity, read on!
View the PSA
- To watch SA’s PSA, go to: vimeo.com/sexaholicsanonymous/sa-publicserviceannouncement. Then, you’ll need to do some homework AND some footwork!
Prioritize Your Outreach
- Focus on the larger (network) stations, as you’ll reach more people there.
Their Point of View
- They want to help people in their audience, so you’ll want to present SA as a terrific solution for many of their viewers, as well as their family members and friends. Be sure to tell them that, for over 40 years, SA has helped thousands of sexaholics from all over the world get sober from this addiction.
Call and Make an Appointment
- Don’t just send a mass mailing. This is going to take some effort!
- There is no single individual or department that controls PSA access for different types of media. The decision-making process differs by media type, from one market to another, and by the size of the media outlet.
- Generally, however, the media contact you want to reach at larger broadcast (TV and radio) stations, is the Community Affairs, Public Affairs or Public Service Director. At radio stations the decision-makers are more diffused, and the title may be Program Director, News Director or perhaps even General Manager.
It’s Showtime!
- Be early, look professional and be “on”. (Be your very best “you”.) Also, when you visit, be prepared to show them the PSA—either on a laptop or on their office computer.
Share Our Success
- Feel free to share with them (briefly) about either your own success story or how SA has specifically helped those you know. Without the graphic details, of course—these folks are “civilians” :-)
Politeness Counts
- Be extra grateful as you’re leaving and thank them for their time.
Deliver Help
- They will probably ask for a hi-resolution (“hi-res”) copy of the PSA. This is where SA’s Public Information Committee will be a huge help—this can all be done digitally.
Customized Presence
- SA’s PI Committee can also help to get your local website, phone number and/or email address onto the end of the PSA. All you have to do is ask!
Be Aware
- Don’t be a nuisance—no need for lots of follow up calls or visits. If they tell you they’ll play our PSA, fantastic.
- Don’t be pushy—media folks are quite busy.
Remember, you’re asking for their help and they are not required to give it to you. Worst-case scenario, just smile, thank them for their time and move on to the next station.
PSA’s can be a terrific way to help get the word out about our fellowship and your local meetings. They just take some thoughtful planning and professional follow up.
You can also find the PSA and two brilliant videos on sa.org/videos. For more information or help, contact SA’s Public Information Committee via SA’s Central Office at saico@sa.org
SA’s Public Information Committee