She Absorbed Much

She Absorbed Much to Help Her at the Scottish Convention

This is Kathie S., sexaholic, about the Scottish convention, which I attended last weekend for the first time. I appreciated receiving the schedule well in advance, which helped me to feel less afraid of the unknown, indicating many old timers speaking, with much helpful experience.

Firstly, I had my led orientation walk, then enjoyed fellowship, including with some very old timers, in the coffee room. I met the other women present, and began to feel comfortable. One sister made this amazing drawing which depicts perfectly the love and peace pervading the weekend. I was so grateful I had made the effort to attend.

I checked in, in the opening meeting, and they clapped for my sobriety milestone. I had a partial seizure, and walked out to rest partway through. I identified with the guidance that the best convention experiences can be had over the coffee, talking, also with the imperative for self care in recovery.

I attended the evening meeting, and had the honour of reading. I did share for two minutes in both meetings. This helped me to feel part of, not apart from. There was a woman speaker. The topic was total surrender. Both speakers said that my Higher Power has to have first place in my life, without exception.

I had met by now some members I know well from other countries, and some UK trusted servants. Two others from my home group were present. I had many hugs, which I appreciated.

We went as a group to Saturday breakfast, then to the first meeting. Excellent personal sharing, around SA’s beginnings in England and Ireland, explaining the core SA way of recovery. More fellowship over coffee and bottled water. Incidentally, there was no alcohol around, which was great for those members who are also recovering AA’s.

I really enjoyed a full day of fellowship and meetings and meals; some fellows went for group walks. The Intergroup meeting was extremely interesting, with very helpful PowerPoint information about SA in the UK. But I took the evening off from the entertainment, quietly to unwind from the excitement, as did a number of attendees. My room was very comfortable and warm.

Sunday morning was brilliant. Some great shares on the essence of recovery in SA, giving me really good tools to take home and use.

We had lunch together, then everyone still present went home. I had absorbed much to help me for months to come.

Kathie S., Devon, UK

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