The Support for Professionals (SIP) committee (formerly H&I-Hospitals and Institutions) was recently renamed to reflect what we have really functioned as for the past seven years. We abandoned the former name because we now aim to more fully support the mental health community at large.
Our mission: To carry the message of recovery from sexaholism to hospitals, treatment centers, and helping professionals. We facilitate meetings, distribute SA-approved multimedia materials, and serve as a hub to connect local SA groups with the professional community.
One of our functions is to inform helping professionals that we are not competing with them but are an extension of what they do for their clients and members of congregations who struggle with sexual issues. We are here to help them care for their patients, to reinforce and amplify the good work they do, and to foster their patients’ recovery.
For the last several years, we would hold meetings during the International Conventions, where we would ask local therapists and clergy to join us. We would hand out literature and educate them about who we are and what we do.
Now, we ask our members to invite their therapists and clergy to accompany them to local open meetings. The helping professionals can learn how SA can aid their patients by giving them purpose, strength and hope.
For example, we have a member who has gone through a traumatic experience. The mental health professional is helping him unpack his traumatic past and release the violence of his past—to be free of it. Because of her knowledge of SA, she has encouraged the member to do his step work with a sponsor. She understands the importance of aftercare recovery.
In another case, a member was attending church and making regular confessions. The priest was aware of our fellowship and encouraged the parishioner to go to SA meetings. Although the parishioner was at first reluctant to attend them, the priest also understood the value of aftercare recovery and encouraged him to get additional help.
We will continue with our new mission to assist health professionals who serve those persons afflicted with sexual addiction. As we keep demonstrating our experience, strength and hope, more health professionals will come to realize how we can help their patients recover, and in turn carry the message to someone else who still suffers.
A sample of the letter to professionals we have at your disposal for your local Twelfth Step work with professionals:
Do you want to know more about the committee or are you interested in joining it? Do you have experience in contacting professionals? Please contact one of the SIP members below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jim B JBurn222@aol.com
Paul Z Zantzinger@aol.com
Jim D. jimd.essay@gmail.com
Jim B., SIP Committee Chairman