Čachtický Hrad Meeting


Dear ESSAY, I wanted to share these photos of an unconventional meeting location.

I am a grateful member of the Žilina SA group in Slovakia. One of our fellows was instructed by his sponsor to attend at least two physical meetings per week. He sometimes travels to distant members who don’t have nearby meetings.

I myself attend the meeting in Žilina almost every week, but it’s at least a two-hour trip. On the initiative of the fellow, our group conscience agreed to hold an extra meeting in my village. However, in the end, only one other member could come.

The three of us walked to the ruins of the Čachtický hrad (“hrad” means castle, first photo) and had a wonderful SA meeting on a little hill inside the castle
walls (second photo).

Beáta M., Slovakia


Early in recovery, it was instilled in me that, in order to recover, I need to be H.O.W. (Honest, Open-minded, and Willing).

Without honesty, I am left only with OW! [for many English speakers, this is what we say (or yell) when we get hurt]. I am focusing more on honesty now because I’m tired of the pain that results without it (the OW!).

Please pray for me, the fellow at the door, and anyone who wants our solution.

Richard D., Scotland, UK

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