Editor's Corner

Editor’s Corner

In the chapter “Overcoming Lust and Temptation,” the White Book emphasizes the vital role that both AA and SA literature play in sustaining our sobriety and recovery, ensuring that there is at least one sober voice at meetings. These texts offer key insights into ourselves and a deeper understanding of the recovery principles. Roy states very clearly that Alcoholics Anonymous and the Twelve and Twelve constitute the basic texts of the original Twelve-Step program (SA 77).

Over the years, the SA Literature Committee has developed 40 different titles—books and pamphlets—focusing specifically on recovery from sexaholism, and more titles are in development. You can also learn about the SA Translations Committee, which ensures that the proper procedures are followed to produce “approved literature” for SA meetings that are held in languages other than English.

A young Finnish member shares how the Program’s literature offers spiritual guidance in his life making each day brighter. A long-time member from the US has been using the literature for over 30 years to guide sponsees worldwide. And a female member from the UK shares her powerful testimony, crediting the Program’s literature for saving her life and helping her find God in its pages.

India hosted its first-ever SA event, bringing together 34 participants from across the country in Bangalore where they came together and truly experienced a sense of family. Discover more about this event and many other stories in this issue.


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