[Excerpts from the SA Correctional Facilities Committee Report from the SA International Conference July 2002 in Portland, OR]

SACFC Committee Members are: Earl H., Southeast; Allen L., North Midwest; John C., Northeast; Keith S., North Midwest; William R., CFC Coordinator

Sponsor-by-Mail Service

Keith S., MI, reports that there are currently 215 inmates from 32 states who are receiving sponsorship from 57 outside SA members. In the last five months 38 more inmates signed up for this service. Nine more outside SA members have volunteered to sponsor inmates. We now have one female SA member sponsoring a female inmate.

Literature Service

In the first five months of 2002, SA Publications has mailed 118 SA handbooks to inmates and correctional officials in the U.S. SA Publications sends these books out at cost paid by SAICO. Your donations to the CFC Fund make this possible. The International Central Office has sent each of these inmates an introductory packet that includes several member stories. Forty-three of them are subscribing to the ESSAY newsletter.

International Report

Canada: In Toronto several members have visited an incarcerated member.

CFC Fund

Through May 2002, SA members contributed $4,006.75 to the work of the Correctional Facilities Committee. We thank all of our members and groups for their generous support of our efforts to carry the message to incarcerated sexaholics.


  • We have been contacted about prison service work from 47 states and 4 countries (Ireland, England, Canada, and Australia).
  • More inmates from New Jersey have written to our fellowship for help than any other state: 149.
  • 87 prison officials have contacted us since we began to keep a record. 7 have written this year.
  • We have 34 Correctional Facility Representatives in the U.S., two in Canada, and one in Australia. Our committee contacts these people when there is something related to prisons in their area.

William R., SA Correctional Facilities Coordinator

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