Stayin’ Alive

I admit that, through lust, I have warped my mind into such an obsession for destructive acting-out that only an act of Providence can remove it. Lust bleeds me of all self-sufficiency and all will to resist its demands. I am bankrupt. My personal weakness is the firm bedrock upon which a happy and purposeful life can be built. I accept my devastating weakness and all its consequences. I will find no enduring strength until I first admit complete defeat.

I have a mental obsession so subtly powerful that no amount of my own willpower can break it. I cannot conquer this compulsion with my unaided will. I will never recover using only my own resources.

I must swallow and digest these unpalatable truths. I am out of control, my acting out is not a mere habit—it is the beginning of a fatal progression. I will not sincerely try to practice the SA program until I have hit bottom (and am constantly reminded of it).

I must be rigorously honest and tolerant. I must confess my faults to another and make amends for harm done. I must carry the message to the next sufferer. I must care about God and pursue my relationship with Him.

I have to do these things in order to stay alive. I admit the fatal nature of my situation. I am ready to do anything which will lift this merciless obsession from me.


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