What’s Going On in SA

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2007, Adelphi, MD

During meetings in July 2007 the Delegates tasked the Trustees in the following matters:

Previously assigned tasks

  • RAC: How to form a new Region
  • Legal: Impact of shredding original material sent to SAICO
  • Status of phone/email meetings: Appoint subcommittee

New tasks assigned

  • Rename Site Selection Committee to International Convention Committee. Broadened scope includes: develop guidelines for SA host groups; develop principles for cooperating with S-Anon to ensure safe convention for all attendees; ensure flexible dates; and help negotiate hotel contracts to ensure all needs are met.
  • Revise disclaimer and work on other updates to SA.org.
  • Investigate ways to make SA logo available to SA groups worldwide.
  • Revitalize Nominations Committee. Find and present candidates for position of Trustee.
  • Establish Agenda Committee of Trustees and Delegates to recommend guidelines for bringing motions to GDA.

Actions taken

The following literature was not approved; was returned to committee:

  • Is SA for Me? SA and Same Sex Attraction
  • Does a Male Need to Have Sex?
  • Article from 1991 ESSAY

The Delegates thanked Jerry L. for his devoted service as Chair as he rotates to other duties.

Meeting Disclaimer

The Delegates recommended that each region or intergroup add a disclaimer to meeting guidelines related to shares that could result in legal action. The wording will depend on local laws, which differ significantly between states. The Delegates recognized two main concerns: (1) the need to provide an atmosphere of safety in meetings, which is essential for open sharing; and (2) the need to protect meeting attendees who are mandated reporters, and who are placed in a difficult position when members share legal violations they must report. The concern does not include a desire to protect members involved in abuse of children or elders. Any share of that nature should be reported, followed by a discussion at the next meeting regarding how to restore a feeling of safety.

As one example, following is a disclaimer used in a meeting in California:

“Because some occupations in the State of California are required by law to report certain crimes, SA cannot guarantee legal confidentiality for any unprosecuted crimes disclosed in these meetings. We encourage you to tell your story in a GENERAL WAY as described in AA Chapter 5 ‘How It Works.’”

Trustees and Delegates can be reached at saico@sa.org.

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