Only God Can Change Us

A member of our group (I’ll call him Billy) has been incarcerated for several years due to his sexaholism. He has developed a beautiful spirit while in prison, and shares with us regularly by mail. In a recent letter he said, “Doing time is not that bad if you focus on building a relationship with God and not get caught up in the junk that goes on here. It’s only by God’s grace that I’ve been able to get through this.”

Billy wrote a poem, which he asked me to share with sexaholics everywhere. We hope it will bless others as it has us.


The Potter

I thought I was alone on the Potter’s wheel, a lump of clay—no big deal.
Spinning aimlessly with no guidance at all, the best I could do a worthless ball.

Then the Potter did enter, and He poured on me His living water.
Every inconsistency and blemish He sees, He takes His hands and changes me.
As He works on the inside, a change manifests on the outside.
The deeper I let Him go, the higher He allows me to grow.
I am an earthen vessel that He can use, to carry His love to whom He may choose.

God, You are the Potter, I am the clay, use me and shape me in Your special way.
A living sacrifice so that all may see, that only God could change a wretch like me.

Billy K.

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