Finance Report

Dear SA Fellowship:

For years, our fellowship was struggling to balance the budget, and we relied on the Quarterly Appeal to build our prudent reserve. Since then, our members have stepped forward to build a strong financial base. Recently however we have seen a slight softening of member contributions to SAICO, reflecting a shift toward addressing local service needs during these hard times. Please remember SAICO as you pass the basket.

A personal highlight from this year’s GDA was seeing the growth in both the quantity and quality of service to our fellowship. Results can be seen across the service spectrum. The great news is that we are only in the early stages of this fellowship service expansion!

Thank you for your continuing support in helping SA reach the addict who still suffers. I would also like to thank the fellowship for allowing me the opportunity to serve as Finance Committee Chair as well as Trustee for the past four years. If you have any questions, please email me at

Carlton B., Finance Committee Chair

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