Finding the Fellowship I Craved

“He will show you how to create the fellowship you crave” (AA 164).

Working the Steps in SA was a progressive journey of discovery for me. I found that I had played a part in causing my pain, and had inflicted it on others. After making restitution and amends to the best of my ability, the next task at hand was to begin paying attention to the present moment. Inspiration began to flow, and my life took on new meaning. Suddenly, attending meetings and calling other members became opportunities to give rather than take. Now, it seemed that the meetings themselves were only a small part of SA. The greater part of the fellowship took place outside of the rooms, during candid conversations in diners, coffee shops, parked cars, and around kitchen tables. Newcomers and peers alike are attracted to love, compassion, and acceptance. These began to pour out of me. And following the subtle cues of my Higher Power led to opportunities to actualize this potential every day.

SA happens because men and women are drawn together through this force. Instead of shame and chaos from lust, today I can create healing and harmony in the sanctuary of fellowship. God builds a fortress for us, out of each other, when at least one of us is paying attention.

Scott M.

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