Greetings from Iran

Dear SA Fellowship:

I am an SA woman living in Iran. The typical Iranian, it seems, has great difficulty understanding lust addiction and believing in SA’s program of recovery, and this can be even more difficult for women. At times we have trouble openly attending SA meetings. At times we feel rejected. Should single women wish to marry, we can face fears about our sobriety and how we shall continue to attend our beloved SA meetings. Married women in SA often have trouble telling their husbands that they have a problem with sex.

But even in the midst of this situation, I can still work my program! Thanks to the many tools that are available to me, I have an SA sponsor who lives in Germany, and I can attend SA Skype meetings. I also attend local SA meetings in secret—and there are even men here in the SA program who do accept us! Still, we could use help spreading the word here about SA.

As I work to better spread the SA message in my country, I would love to hear from other members who might have similar experiences.


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