Have You Thought About Serving as an SA Trustee?

Do you like…

  • Meeting new friends?
  • Working on a team?
  • Giving back to the fellowship?
  • Watching the promises come alive in your life?
  • Attending the Conventions?

SA Trustees, past and present, report receiving far more from their service than they have given. For me, serving as an SA Trustee was a great way to be in relationships with sober people who are giving back what they have received. The time and energy commitment was minimal compared to the benefits I received.

Trustee duties include overseeing SAICO operations, handling fellowship financial and legal matters, and serving on at least two SA committees (such as Literature, Corrections Facilities, or International committee). Trustees also attend the two international conventions per year, for a four-year term (expenses paid).

Trustee candidates must:

  • Have five or more years of SA sobriety, and must fully support the Cleveland Clarification of the Sobriety Definition (SA 192).
  • Have service experience at the local, Intergroup, regional, and/or International level.
  • Have a sponsor and sponsor others.
  • Have worked the Steps and continue in an active program.
  • Have organizational/communication skills, ability to set goals and complete projects, and dependability.

Interested? If so (or if you would like to nominate or recommend someone else) contact SAICO at saico@sa.org (subject line: Trustee Inquiry). We look forward to serving with you!

In Service,

Dave T., Nominations Committee Chair

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