Russian Collection

Last year I discovered just how generous our members can be when they see a real need. At the tender age of 50—for the first time in my life—I decided to try to raise money for a cause. As a Russian speaker, I was excited to attend the first-ever Russian-speaking SA Convention in Moscow in 2011. The journey reminded me of how huge Russia is (nine time zones!). Two members were present who came from the Pacific coast city of Vladivostok—an eight-hour flight or seven-day train ride! I also learned how so many other members had wanted to attend from remote areas, but the prohibitive costs kept them away.

So, in preparation for the second Russian convention in Moscow the following year, after checking with my sponsor here in Chicago, I mentioned the need for money at my home group’s business meeting. Because the need was so far away, I wasn’t sure how the local members would react. But I was in for a quite a surprise, when one member said that because I was Russian and a member of his home group, he felt a special connection there. The group voted to start an extra weekly collection for the Russian Convention scholarship fund.

In my mind that was more than enough, and I did not think to take the appeal further. But then some other (non-Russian) friends in the program took action. After hearing about the special collection at my home group, another group voted to take a special collection for the Russians, and then another group. In the end, I was contacted by several groups that I never even attended! They were asking where to send the money they had also raised. Our local Intergroup also ended up donating money.

I was speechless when I added up all the money and it came to $1,300. And so, apparently, were the convention organizers and attendees in Russia. The money was used to help 10 people buy train tickets and attend the convention—many meeting other members for the first time face-to-face. These people were deeply touched that their fellows 9,000 miles away would care enough to send support so that Russian-speaking members could have a chance to get and stay sober.

I’m proud of the generous support of our SA members in Chicago, and grateful to be a member of both the Chicago Intergroup and of our worldwide fellowship.

Dimitri P., Chicago, IL

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