Editors’ Corner

Dear Essay readers:

This issue of Essay includes many stories on Willing to Go to Any Length. You may have heard the expression “Sexaholics Anonymous is for those who want it — not for those who need it.” Your Editors hope these stories can be helpful for those who want it anywhere in the world. As of early August there were about 5,000 downloads of the newly free electronic Essay. Our desire to be a global Meeting in Print is well underway.

In keeping with the expanded use of technology, the December 2017 theme is “SA And Technology.” Have you any experience, strength and hope for us in that area? Let us hear from you at essay@sa.org!

The print edition of SA has fewer pages than the electronic version due to mechanical requirements. We encourage groups and individuals who benefit from print and find it easier to hand to newcomers and to use for meeting discussions to order mailed subscriptions. Both versions of Essay have their use for our recovery.

Thank you for being readers of Essay!

The Editors (David, Kira, Kent)

& Artists (Christian M., Jimmy M., Amy C.)

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