Learning to Be Appropriate

Phone Call, July 2017

Hi, David. It’s Max. I wanted to call. I’m having a good day today. Had some lust earlier. I’m surrendering it. I’m feeling pretty good and feeling good about that. I’m grateful for the program and grateful that I don’t have to live in lust. Today I feel like I’m practicing humility and remain teachable.

My Higher Power is trying to teach me how to be appropriate with my thoughts, appropriate in my looks, to be appropriate with how I treat people.

Before I was like freaking out with every person I saw. Is that appropriate? You know, that kind of reaction, that kind of shame — the shame I get from looking at somebody and thinking about them. Is that appropriate for this situation? I have to think and say to myself, “I don’t this is appropriate; maybe I am over-reacting.” And He says, “Yeah, I think you are over-reacting.”

Okay, other times I do react, and it’s resentment. Then I have to surrender and do the prayers. “I’m working the program and doing my work.” It’s paying off. I’m getting serenity and peace. I’m getting in touch with my Higher Power, and I really like it! It’s been a good experience. I want to keep it up. I want to keep the focus on being humble and listening to my Higher Power. I have him teaching me. Good-bye.


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