
الحب و الإرتباط الحقيقي

هنالك حديث عظيم من قبل روي ك. يسمى " التوجيه و رصانة المجموعة " . (لو انت جديد على البرنامج ، روي ك هو مؤسس زمالتنا). في حديثه، شارك روي ك. عن الغاية العظمى من التوجيه. هي ليست للإبقاء على عودة الناس إلى البرنامج، و هي ليست لإبقاء الناس رصينين، لأنه فقط قوة عظمى بإمكانها فعل ذلك. بالنسبة لروي، الغاية العظمى من التوجيه هي ليست حتى تطبيق الخطوات، رغم أن ذلك جزء أساسي منه. يقول أن الغاية العظمى من التوجيه هي تقديم الرجال الآخرين للإرتباط الحقيقي وإحضارهم لطريقة حياة حيث يستطيع المتوجه أن يختبر الحصول على ذلك الإرتباط الحقيقي

By |2024-12-20T21:10:11-06:00December 20, 2024|Comments Off on الحب و الإرتباط الحقيقي

Hope in Morocco

My name is Abdelbarie, and I’m a sexaholic. Friends in America would pronounce my name Ab-del-BAH-ree, but to be honest, it’s the word “sexaholic” I’m still not used to. I never knew exactly what was wrong with me. I thought I was just a normal guy with a nasty porn and masturbation habit. As it turns out, I’m not normal at all.

By |2024-12-29T15:44:11-06:00December 17, 2024|Comments Off on Hope in Morocco

Progressing through Relationship Stages in Sober Dating

My name is Dave, I’m a recovering sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since August 1, 1985 by the grace of God and this wonderful Fellowship. I came into the Fellowship when I separated from my first wife hoping to save my marriage. After two years of sobriety, we still divorced, and by the grace of God, I knew absolutely that I had no business being in any kind of romantic relationship, much less a committed one.

By |2024-12-26T10:07:48-06:00December 17, 2024|Comments Off on Progressing through Relationship Stages in Sober Dating

Progress in Dating

After finishing my Step Four harms inventory, I was very grateful to notice that each consecutive person that I dated after I got sober had fewer harms. There are still things left to work on, but my ability to have healthy relationships has improved since joining SA. I'd like to describe some of the progress that I saw in my inventory.

By |2024-12-26T10:07:26-06:00December 17, 2024|Comments Off on Progress in Dating

Love and the Real Connection

There’s a great talk by Roy K. called “Sponsorship and Group Sobriety.” (If you are new to the Program, Roy K. was the founder of our Fellowship). In his talk, Roy K. shares about the highest purpose of sponsorship. It’s not to keep people coming to the Program, and it’s not to keep people sober, because only a Higher Power can do that. According to Roy, the highest purpose of sponsorship is not even working the Steps, although that is an integral part of it. He says that the highest purpose of sponsorship is introducing other men to the real Connection and bringing them into a way of living where the sponsee can experience having that real Connection.

By |2024-12-26T10:08:00-06:00December 17, 2024|Comments Off on Love and the Real Connection

Komitecie Literatury SA i Komitecie Tłumaczeń SA

Od początku mojej podróży w SA wiedziałem, że nasz założyciel, Roy K., napisał „Anonimowych Seksoholików” (Białą Księgę), a później dowiedziałem się, że także „Recovery Continues”, „Discovering the Principles” i kilka broszur SA. Jednak przez wiele lat zastanawiałem się, kto pisze całą naszą wspaniałą literaturę SA i z czym wiąże się z proces publikacji. Potem nadarzyła się okazja, by pełnić międzynarodową służbę i zgłosiłem się na ochotnika do Komitetu Literatury (lub Litcom, jak go nazywamy).

By |2024-12-09T15:03:52-06:00December 9, 2024|Comments Off on Komitecie Literatury SA i Komitecie Tłumaczeń SA