In Every Issue


For well over ten years, I had tried to get an SA meeting going in a Tucson unit of the Arizona Department of Corrections. I had gone through local authorities, a prison chaplain, a contractor for a treatment program, and top administrators of the Department of Corrections in Phoenix.

By |2024-12-27T15:11:52-06:00March 27, 2003|Comments Off on SA CFC


I am subscribing to a second issue of ESSAY to share with our small group. Any other literature I can bring to the group would be appreciated.

By |2024-12-27T15:11:49-06:00March 27, 2003|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

What’s Going On in SA

We personally believe that there is nowhere else as beautiful as Spring in Tennessee. If you think that your location is prettier, please send a photo. We would love to receive a photo from Australia where it is Spring when we are freezing. We can truly appreciate Spring this year gazing out the windows of the new location for Central Office.

By |2024-12-27T15:11:46-06:00March 27, 2003|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader, Have you found something helpful in an issue of the ESSAY? Do you have something you can contribute to our quarterly? Would you urge another sexaholic or a local group to subscribe?

By |2024-12-27T15:11:43-06:00March 27, 2003|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner


Dear ESSAY, I enjoy receiving the “meeting in print” each month. It is an important tool for me to have and to use.

By |2025-01-07T15:02:41-06:00December 30, 2002|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

What’s Going On in SA

My assignment was to keep Loners in touch with each other. I have been chairperson the last two years. Writing and receiving letters has been a special experience.

By |2025-01-07T15:02:36-06:00December 30, 2002|Comments Off on What’s Going On in SA

Editor’s Corner

Dear ESSAY Reader, Have you found something helpful in an issue of the ESSAY? Do you have something you can contribute to our quarterly? Would you urge another sexaholic to subscribe?

By |2025-01-07T15:02:33-06:00December 30, 2002|Comments Off on Editor’s Corner


Dear SACFC, Thank you very much for the Plain White Cover Book. It's great and it truly has alternatives and a plan. SA will be part of my life as I trudge the trail to a healthy, rewarding life, and I'll definitely handle my ups and downs a lot differently thanks to some caring friends.

By |2025-01-07T15:02:28-06:00December 29, 2002|Comments Off on SA CFC


[Excerpts from the SA Correctional Facilities Committee Report from the SA International Conference July 2002 in Portland, OR] SACFC Committee Members are: Earl H., Southeast; Allen L., North Midwest; John C., Northeast; Keith S., North Midwest; William R., CFC Coordinator

By |2025-01-07T15:03:32-06:00September 2, 2002|Comments Off on SA CFC


Dear ESSAY, Last year at this time I picked up a newspaper and turned to Dear Abby for some unknown reason (I know now I was being led). I hadn’t read her column in 20 years. The column was about sex addiction and gave the SA website reference. After visiting the website and Passing or Failing (depending upon one’s point of view) on 18 of the 20 questions, I thought I should find out more about it. Like a true compulsive I ordered every piece of literature from the SA website.

By |2025-01-07T15:03:27-06:00September 2, 2002|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY