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Convention Bids Needed!

SA holds an International Convention twice a year in January and July. Each convention is organized and run by a local Intergroup with help from the International Conventions Committee (ICC).

By |2024-05-24T15:00:40-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Convention Bids Needed!

SA Online Services Task Force

The pandemic has fundamentally changed the way members connect with each other. Where once a long-established home group might receive an occasional visit from an out-of-town member, nowadays members routinely pick and choose meetings from across the globe, “Zooming” or dialing in at the touch of a button. While this technology is a blessing, there are concerns that it might undermine the familiar structure of the SA fellowship; concerns too that this technology can be open to misuse.

By |2024-05-03T12:37:14-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on SA Online Services Task Force

The First Ever SA Program in an Australian Prison

It all started over nine years ago but that story is for another day. Fast forward to about one year ago. Let’s say from the start that this whole story was inspired by an Amazing Loving Higher power. Three members of the Australian Newcastle Monday night Beginners Group formed a SA Prison Committee.

By |2023-10-26T14:40:14-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on The First Ever SA Program in an Australian Prison

Report on the Atlanta IC

The very first 100% online SA/S-Anon International Convention took place from Jan 22 till 24 and was an incredible event gathering fellows from all over the world. There were 955 SA registrants, and 685 S-Anons and 12 S-Ateens, which makes it the biggest IC in our SA history!

By |2024-05-17T16:41:13-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Report on the Atlanta IC

Be a Burden

None of us can carry the pain of finality of letting go alone. That’s why we are here. Lean on us. The best advice a guy gave me in a meeting one day was, “Be a burden.”

By |2024-08-23T14:51:17-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Be a Burden

Step Three — Relinquishing Control

Once a beachhead is established, defeat of the enemy is inevitable. Even if the first sallies out of the beachhead meet with stiff resistance and are driven back, it doesn’t matter; once a beachhead is established, enemy collapse is assured.

By |2023-10-26T14:19:40-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Step Three — Relinquishing Control

Working Step 10 to Make Positive Connections

Recently, I have been attending meetings where the readings were taken from our Recovery Continues book. In one meeting, we read: “Lust is a function of my ego, just as resentment is. I, the lord of my life—lord over that lust object and over that resentment object—unleash a spiritual force against them both, against their wills, perverting the reality of their person to suit my twisted need. What is that negative connection? Why must I keep on making it? So I won’t have to look at myself.” (RC 43)

By |2023-10-26T14:15:11-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Working Step 10 to Make Positive Connections

Writing Amends Letters To Anonymous People

I have been struggling with my 9th Step for almost a year now due to Covid and all that not being able to travel freely. But in the past two months at the encouragement of my sponsor I have discovered writing letters like this and have found much freedom in them:

By |2023-10-26T14:01:41-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Writing Amends Letters To Anonymous People

Being Blessed With The Gift of Sobriety and Longevity

Thank you for your time, Art. Could we start by asking how old you were when you joined SA and the length of your sobriety? I was 44. I’m 80 now, with 35 years of sobriety. When asked how does one stay sober for 35 years, I say: “One day at a time, keep surrendering lust, and one day at a time, don’t die!” I’ve been blessed with the gift of sobriety and with longevity.

By |2024-08-23T11:39:10-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Being Blessed With The Gift of Sobriety and Longevity

I Saw The Drawing Slowly Appear On The Page

I had a pretty normal childhood and, thankfully, I experienced no sexual traumas. Looking back, I notice that I had an unusually strong interest in women, even as a child. Still, I don’t believe I experienced genuine addiction until decades later.

By |2024-06-27T11:52:31-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on I Saw The Drawing Slowly Appear On The Page