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Staying Sober in My Twenties Has Its Own Challenges

I was born in 1989 in Kurdistan, Iran, in a family with 3 older brothers and no sisters. The concept of women and girls was always a mystery to me. The only female that I had a real connection with was my mother. That was not my only challenge though.

By |2023-10-26T13:10:07-05:00February 26, 2021|Comments Off on Staying Sober in My Twenties Has Its Own Challenges

The Root Was Lust

Throughout my adolescence I was progressively consumed by same-sex behaviors and fantasies. I thought that the problem was being attracted to men. Acting out for 17 years shaped my whole thinking. “I was restless, irritable and discontented.” SA told me that actually the root was lust, and this was music to my ears. I began to detach from lust one day at a time and stopped carrying around my wound as a trophy.

By |2023-10-26T12:57:24-05:00February 25, 2021|Comments Off on The Root Was Lust

Fully Accepting SA When Young Was God’s Gift

I found SA shortly after I turned 28 years old. I heard an old-timer once on a tape say that he didn’t know why anyone under 30 would come to SA—they still had decades of good lusting left!

By |2023-10-25T13:53:00-05:00February 25, 2021|Comments Off on Fully Accepting SA When Young Was God’s Gift

Ask An Old-timer

My name is Mike and I’m a sexaholic, sober since June 3, 1984. I imagine coming into the program at the age of 28 or 29 today would be much different than it was when I joined in the mid-1980s. Today, depending on where a person begins their SA journey, a new member might join a group in which most of the members were substantially older than they and also be blessed with much long-term sobriety.

By |2023-10-25T13:04:35-05:00February 25, 2021|Comments Off on Ask An Old-timer

I’m Glad I Joined SA At Such a Young Age

Young and sober? It sounds like two galaxies crashing together! I am sexually sober by the grace of God, yours and my sponsor’s help since October 7, 2015. I have heard people say “Some guys get the grace from God, others don’t.” I do not believe in this. In my opinion, everyone has the same chance for recovery—and my God is a fair God.

By |2023-10-25T12:34:25-05:00February 25, 2021|Comments Off on I’m Glad I Joined SA At Such a Young Age

My Experience as a Young Adult in Recovery

When I stepped into my first SA meeting I was about 25 years old. When I think back on what I had experienced up to then and how I was feeling at the time, I am astonished at myself today; at how the program has changed me; the extent to which it has helped me. It’s a miracle, a miracle which is still unfolding.

By |2023-10-25T12:07:37-05:00February 24, 2021|Comments Off on My Experience as a Young Adult in Recovery

Play “The Game”

The Game is a fun recovery game played in teams of five members for 30 days. The teams work together to earn recovery points by using SA Tools, one day at a time for 4 weeks. The team with the most “recovery points” after 30 days wins! It is a proven way to make friends and get support with your recovery!

By |2023-11-08T11:04:26-06:00February 24, 2021|Comments Off on Play “The Game”

We Are Not A Glum Lot

One of the most effective Practical Tools is HUMOR. CORONAVIRUS AND ADDICTION We were MADE to survive this!

By |2023-10-24T18:25:33-05:00February 24, 2021|Comments Off on We Are Not A Glum Lot

Working the Program on My Yoga Mat

Yoga has become a parallel and interconnected path on my physical, emotional, and spiritual recovery. Recently, I took a Yin Yasa yoga class. The theme of the class was “letting go.” Hmmm, I thought as we proceeded, where have I heard that before?

By |2023-10-24T18:11:48-05:00February 24, 2021|Comments Off on Working the Program on My Yoga Mat