July 2000

A New Look at Lust Recovery, Part Two

What’s Going On in SA

Central Office instituted the SEP IRA pension plan recently authorized by delegates and trustees. Central Office employees thank the fellowship for this benefit.

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Lust Inventory

Here are some questions being suggested to help in taking lust inventories. Those involved in coming up with this list are asking for feedback—any additions, deletions, or other comments—to reflect various other manifestations of lust not covered in this list. Please review and send your comments back to the Central Office. Thank you.

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1. Have the person formulate their surrender in writing. Ask them to write out what this means for them specifically. For example, “I surrender unconditionally to God and this group my right to seek out or look at ____________.”

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A New Look at Lust Recovery

The December 1999 issue of Essay contained the first part of Roy K.’s talk in Cranford, NJ on November 6th titled “A New Look at Lust Recovery—Part One: Stages of Lust Recovery.” This is Part Two, revised to reflect what we’re learning from continuing experience with participants in the surrender.

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In This Issue

In 1935-1938, in the midst of a ragtag roundup of woebegotten rummies, something was happening which would turn into the greatest event of the twentieth century. This was the joyous discovery that God was doing for hopeless drunks what they had never been able to do for themselves. Before there was any AA literature, before there were any Steps, Akron Ohio 1935-1938 was where hope for lust-aholics was born.

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