March 2006

From Guru to Grateful


I’ve been grappling with the word enough. My mind wrestles with expectations around this concept. If I just do enough of the right things, then my wife will be kind to me; the internet won’t bother me; I won’t have to call my sponsor as much; I won’t feel so fearful, resentful, or angry.

By |2024-09-17T14:15:51-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on Enough

Sobriety is God’s Gift To Me

“Sobriety is God’s gift to me, and I have to do something with it.” I spoke those words in a dream. Upon waking, my entire mind was focused on that one statement. With that one thought, my entire view of recovery has changed. Now I see that each day God offers me a gift of sobriety. He wants me to be sober. All I have to do is choose to accept it.

By |2024-09-17T14:15:47-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on Sobriety is God’s Gift To Me

Acquiring the Solution

I believe that Steps One and Two are by far the hardest Steps, because they require no work—only belief and conviction born out of suffering. I was deluded about my understanding of Steps One and Two for many years. I hadn’t suffered enough, I hadn’t believed enough, and my conviction to change was weak.

By |2024-09-17T14:15:43-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on Acquiring the Solution

From Guru to Grateful

As a teenager, I was pushed into treatment. I learned about Twelve Step programs there and worked my way through Step Five, but it was only the barest of beginnings and I really didn’t understand how the Steps worked. I loved the program, the history, the meetings, the instant friends everywhere, and the fellowship. I took on many service jobs. My understanding of recovery was to go to lots of meetings, participate in the fellowship, and have fun.

By |2024-09-17T14:14:28-05:00March 16, 2006|Comments Off on From Guru to Grateful