

Dear Essay, Part of me is a grateful recovering sexaholic. God has kept me sober since 12/17/17, and all I have is today. My sponsor suggested I write this letter, and it’s a great opportunity to reflect on my recovery and God’s work in my life. I am convinced that any success I’ve enjoyed is due to God. The Third Step Prayer says “please take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love and Thy way of life”. My hope and prayer is that the letter bears witness to God and his ability to bring beauty from ashes.

By |2024-08-19T13:50:04-05:00July 21, 2023|Comments Off on Dear ESSAY

Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

My relationship with my wife was almost ruined when I read an article in Recovery Continues about abstinence in marriage. That was exactly for me, a real insight! After discussing this with my wife, she accepted my suggestion. We began various non-sexual activities, including walks.

By |2024-08-19T13:48:44-05:00October 3, 2020|Comments Off on Hope & Fulfillment After Divorce

Humor For SA

I got married twice before finding my way into Sexaholics Anonymous. I thought those marriages would save me but my best thinking got me divorced.

By |2024-08-19T13:50:55-05:00February 21, 2020|Comments Off on Humor For SA

Recovery and Divorce: But I’m Sober!

I desperately wanted to have the SA/S-Anon marriage recovery story that one hears of from time to time in our rooms. I’ve probably read the “ending” (or better said, the “true beginning”) of the story in the White Book (SA 149-154) a dozen times or more. I would have done anything for that to be my story—but it has not been my story and it is not the experience, strength, and hope that I have to share.

By |2024-08-19T13:49:00-05:00December 21, 2015|Comments Off on Recovery and Divorce: But I’m Sober!

Freedom through the Steps

I’m Mark, a sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since April 27, 2002. I would like to share about the disease of sexaholism in my life—but mostly I would like to share about the solution I’ve found in SA. And I would like to tell my story by walking through the Steps.

By |2024-08-19T13:51:19-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Freedom through the Steps