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One of the ways I continued in my addiction and acting out was by going to SA meetings (no, that is not a typo!). That was because “going to meetings” was all I wanted to do to stop acting out. I wanted an “easier, softer way” (AA 58). I wanted to design my own program, and that meant just going to meetings.

By |2024-07-17T10:09:48-05:00June 26, 2014|Comments Off on Surrender

A Loving, Forgiving God

While I was growing up, our family attended church twice on Sunday and again on Wednesday nearly every week. This gave me a good exposure to God and to the church. I didn’t always enjoy attending church, but something was planted within me. I believed in a punishing God, but at least I believed in God.

By |2024-07-17T09:56:58-05:00June 26, 2014|Comments Off on A Loving, Forgiving God

The Useful Cup

On September 18, 2013, I celebrated five years of SA sobriety. While I realize that five years is only a benchmark and that I still have much to learn, I’ve been so excited by what I’ve already learned in SA that I would like to share it with you. And I would like to compare my life to a cup, having an inside and an outside. In recovery, I’ve learned some healthy tools for maintaining both the inside and the outside of the cup.

By |2024-07-17T09:56:53-05:00June 26, 2014|Comments Off on The Useful Cup

The Night the Pot Roast Flew

When I first came to SA, my world had just exploded. My last acting out partner had called my wife and told her what I’d been doing. My wife learned about a long list of behaviors that I was none too proud of. My loving, even-tempered wife responded to that call by picking up the pot roast she had just prepared for dinner and throwing it at me.

By |2024-07-17T09:52:52-05:00June 26, 2014|Comments Off on The Night the Pot Roast Flew

Trusting God to Provide

SA’s International Committee will sometimes receive a request from a member to fund an expensive meeting location, because of difficulties finding an affordable space in a desired location. I’ve heard the reasoning that affordable meeting places cannot be easily found outside the USA.

By |2024-07-17T10:15:23-05:00March 27, 2014|Comments Off on Trusting God to Provide

Meeting at the Crossroads

In December 2013, after months of planning and anticipation, eight SA members finally gathered in Istanbul, Turkey, at the intersection of Europe and Asia, in the shadow of St. Sophia Cathedral and the Blue Mosque. Four more unlikely countries coming together would have been hard to imagine—we were three from Russia, two from Iran, two from the UK, and one from the US.

By |2024-07-17T10:15:18-05:00March 27, 2014|Comments Off on Meeting at the Crossroads

A Spiritual Awakening

When I came back to SA in 2010, I think I was spiritually dead. The White Book’s description of spiritual death described me exactly. Although religious, I was deeply depressed and isolated. I had just crashed my way out of yet another career and yet another marriage. I was ready to die. I had survived a suicide attempt.

By |2024-07-17T10:14:42-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on A Spiritual Awakening

Coming to Grips with Step Two

As hard it was to admit that I am an addict, it was equally hard to admit that I am insane. However, based on Google’s second definition of insanity—“extreme foolishness or irrationality”—I clearly am. Everything about my addiction has been foolish or irrational.

By |2024-07-17T10:14:37-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Coming to Grips with Step Two

Surrender to the Process

The other day a friend called me with a question. He said that, at an SA meeting he attended the day before, he discovered that he had the most sobriety in the room. He asked me whether he could learn anything from a meeting where he has the most sobriety. I told him that—no matter how much sobriety I have—God is able to speak to me through other members with less sobriety.

By |2024-07-17T10:14:32-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Surrender to the Process

Everyday Gratitude

My wife and I were putting away our Christmas tree this past December. It’s an artificial tree with lights wired into it, and it looks pretty in our front window at night. But packing it up for storage is a struggle.

By |2024-08-27T11:40:29-05:00March 26, 2014|Comments Off on Everyday Gratitude