SA Stories

What Price For Humility?

I was a lady and ladies just aren’t sex addicts. So I told myself when I thought of joining SA. No, I didn’t have that problem; it was my ex-boyfriend’s problem. The sexual behaviors that we argued about doing were not the problem. He just needed to stop taking care of his ex-wife.

By |2024-12-27T15:10:56-06:00March 27, 2003|Comments Off on What Price For Humility?

It Keeps Getting Better

I can hear my sponsor’s voice, passing on the words from his sponsor and his sponsor’s sponsor: “Things get worse; IT gets better.” I do not have to wonder anymore what IT is. For me, today, IT means life, serenity, acceptance, gratitude, living without expectations, finding the power to be useful and to carry out God’s will for me.

By |2025-01-08T14:59:00-06:00December 29, 2002|Comments Off on It Keeps Getting Better

The Miracle of Recovery

My recovery experience as a single woman in Sexaholics Anonymous has been deepened and enriched since my first year of sobriety. Many events compel me to share what I have learned in the course of over six years of sexual sobriety.

By |2025-01-07T15:02:54-06:00September 2, 2002|Comments Off on The Miracle of Recovery

Welcome Home

My story is not unique, and for that I am grateful. When I discovered I was a classic sexaholic, I became hopeful, realizing my problem had a classic solution. Hope and honesty were small words in my vocabulary and an even smaller part of my life before I came to SA.

By |2025-01-07T15:03:43-06:00June 2, 2002|Comments Off on Welcome Home

Replacing Destructive Behaviors With Healthy Ones

The first recollections of my addiction are from the summer of 1961. I would be nine in August and I had just moved to a new subdivision. The only other boy in the neighborhood was four years older than I, and he was pretty lonely, since his parents both worked. We began to spend time with one another, and since he had a house all to himself, most of our time together was spent there.

By |2025-01-07T15:04:35-06:00March 3, 2002|Comments Off on Replacing Destructive Behaviors With Healthy Ones

Glimpses of Sanity

Sobriety came in the summer of 1985 like an unexpected gift. Just about three weeks earlier I had learned that there were people who called themselves sex addicts and held meetings and worked the Twelve Steps. I had begun making a weekly 200-mile round trip to the closest meeting. I had read the SA manual twice, but — brain numbed by decades of sexual obsession — I didn’t understand most of the basic principles there.

By |2025-01-13T12:33:54-06:00December 7, 2001|Comments Off on Glimpses of Sanity

Flirting Was a Real High for Me

When I was a little girl about five years old, I remember sitting on my grandfather’s lap and combing his hair. It gave me such happy, good feelings. My grandfather died when I was seven. I had trouble in school from that time on. I couldn’t concentrate, I would daydream, and I had headaches. I was a very lonely child after I lost that special relationship. I didn’t know how to get that love from anyone else, so I comforted myself in my fantasies where I was a fairy princess and my Prince Charming would come and carry me off.

By |2025-01-13T12:35:14-06:00September 9, 2001|Comments Off on Flirting Was a Real High for Me

Grow Old With Me

I had to face the fact that in my marriage I didn’t know what intimacy without sex looked like. I was always seeking to create intimacy so I could get my wife to have sex with me. Just like I did with the girlfriends that preceded her. Our sexual encounters usually came out of the “connect with me and make me whole” syndrome. They created a false intimacy that soon evaporated, often leaving exposed the underlying emotions that made us feel like we had to be sexual with one another in the first place. And I was usually left with a craving for more….

By |2025-01-13T12:35:57-06:00June 9, 2001|Comments Off on Grow Old With Me

No More Excuses

I woke up this morning thanking God. Then I prayed this simple prayer: “God grant that I may love Thee always and follow Thy will. Do with me according to Thy will.” Then I did my daily readings. It wasn’t always that way. Today I’m enjoying over three years of sexual sobriety. But again, it wasn’t always that way….

By |2025-01-13T12:37:39-06:00March 13, 2001|Comments Off on No More Excuses

Freedom from Lust

Thank you very much. It is beautiful to be with you. I have looked for this opportunity for some time and now it is here.

By |2025-01-15T14:14:08-06:00March 15, 2000|Comments Off on Freedom from Lust