Be a Burden

None of us can carry the pain of finality of letting go alone. That’s why we are here. Lean on us. The best advice a guy gave me in a meeting one day was, “Be a burden.”

That night I was crying my eyes out in the meeting, and I was afraid about texting people in the fellowship too much for support. After he told me to be a burden, I started texting dozens of people and letting them know when I was struggling, hurting, despairing, crying, or having a good moment of reprieve.

Your recovery matters. Lean on us and give yourself every chance to defeat this disease. What you’re getting in the fellowship is true love and healthy love. If being a burden is what you need to do to make it another 24 hours in sobriety, so be it.

This is not a forever program. This is a one day at a time program. My first day, I tried to last for 3 minutes. When I didn’t die, I wondered if I could make it a full five minutes. Then I wondered if I could last a whole 15 minutes.

Don’t despise small beginnings, as the saying goes. Our spiritual disease is a fight to the death. It wants no less than to make us insane and/or kill us. Your Fellowship Army is here. Use it.

Rina R., New Jersey, USA

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