“Bad News” In Sexaholics Anonymous

(In serial form, #3)

Over three sober decades in SA there have been quite a few pieces of “bad news” for us sexaholics. They all arise, like our entire program, from our experience, strength and hope. Each issue of Essay under Practical Tools we’ll share some pieces of “bad news”:

• We make a decision to get angry. Then we find something to get angry about. Same with resentment!

• Anyone who says, “I can’t get sober!” is telling the truth. If we could get sober on our own, we would not need SA. However, “We can get sober!” is also true.

• I cannot trust my brain to “figure out” recovery. My own best thinking got me here.

• Let go and let God means that I must stop steering my life. I learn to do what’s in front of me each moment.

David M., Oregon, USA

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