A Morning Routine that Works (For Me)!

If I want a better relationship with someone or something (father, mother, wife, son, daughter, sponsor, golf clubs or friends) – in other words anyone or anything, what would I do? I would spend MORE time with them!! The key to being present to have more time with them is to “improve my conscience contact with God……” To improve my relationship with God I gotta spend time with him.

I have found that sobriety is the most important thing in my life. Therefore I must demonstrate sobriety by my actions. If I prioritize the relationship with The Power that gives me life and sobriety, then taking action first thing means I have to intentionally get up earlier than “necessary!”

Every day, (or as some point out, only those days that end in “y”) I roll out of bed onto my knees with two prayers: “Thank you God for another day to seek and do thy will” and “God please direct our (my) thinking…….” Then I have six readings in AA Big Book from Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6. Then I read from Daily Reflections, the AA meditation book. Then I read from As Bill Sees It.

Next there is a time for writing my Step 6 defects of character list, followed by the Seventh Step prayer (on my knees). After that I write a Gratitude list at least 10 things beginning: “Thank you God, I am grateful for………” By the way, these are usually all the same every day because it is always a new day and I am grateful all over again.

Then I have four readings from our White Book Sexaholics Anonymous. Once again I hit my knees to do a Daily Contract. This prayer is “God, I pray for the willingness to seek through prayer and meditation to improve my conscience contact with you God as I understand you.” I follow that with 10-15 minutes of mediation; sitting with eyes closed using either a guided meditation or sound of ocean (there’s an app for that).

When meditation is done, there is one more prayer on my knees using AA page 87 “we usually conclude….”

Throughout using these spiritual tools I also use the amazing tool of a cell phone, calling 3-5 people each day. If I am feeling extra spiritual I will read the AA chapter “A Vision for You” two pages a day and perhaps a personal story in the Big Book. I plan to add to my morning routine the SA daily book The Real Connection that I hope to find at International Convention in Seattle.

I have a joy that is daily indescribable REGARDLESS of life’s circumstances because of God, SA and you. What’s that saying? You don’t have to do what I do, unless you want what I have!!

God bless,

Mike L., Oregon, USA

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