Have You Been To Prison?

The SA Correctional Facilities Committee is seeking the experience, strength, & hope from any & all SA members who have served, or are currently serving, time in prison, who have benefited from the SA program through CFC services, whether by working with a sponsor, reading our literature, attending meetings, etc. Stories will be recorded anonymously for an outreach video project. Please send responses to –

Graphics and Writers:

The SA Correctional Facilities Committee is seeking applications from preferably sober members with expert journalism and/or cinematography experience. In layman’s terms: anyone who is really good at conducting interviews or recording video footage. Please send responses to the same address –

Brian Z., SACFC Communication Team Lead


Are you, or another qualified SA member you know, open to talking to a prisoner as their sponsor and working the 12 Steps with them using the SA Sponsor Prisoners program?

Today we have several prisoners seeking an SA sponsor. This can be a very rewarding service to perform.

Please pass this message of service along to other SA members you know who may be interested in sponsorship.

Please contact me for more information and get signed up as a sponsor.

In service to the prisoner who still suffers,

Manse B., SbM Coordinator

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