Third Step Prayer — Comparison of English and Polish Versions

God, I offer myself to Thee Boże, ofiaruje siebie Tobie – both versions say that the presence of HP in my life is essential. The Polish ofiaruje is more like to sacrifice me without any choice.

to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. abyś mnie uformował I uczynił ze mną to, co będzie zgodne z Twoja wola. – my ego can only blind me for constructing my spiritual life. I need a better architect. Fortunately, Polish builders are well known for decent labour skills :)

Relieve me of the bondage of self, Uwolnij mnie ode mnie samego, – this line makes more sense to me in English. The Polish version does not indicate, in my opinion, why relieving me of myself is beneficial. It does not address the bondage that I put myself into each time I follow my ego’s choices.

that I may better do Thy will. żebym mógł lepiej spełniać Twoja wole. – I identify more with Polish line as word spełniać means to fulfill.

Take away my difficulties, Oddal ode mnie trudności, – oddal means to distance, which I take like a method to get my difficulties in right perspective. Take away seems like passing responsibility for my difficulties on HP. I do not think that this would work at all.

that victory over them may bear witness to those aby zwycięstwo nad nimi mogło być świadectwem dla tych – there is no difference in this line to me. The importance I find here is to inspire other people around me to do good things, I should live in a peaceful attitude to them and my HP.

I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. czerpiąc z Twej Potęgi, Miłości, Twego Pojmowania Dróg życia. – czerpac means to derive which is closely connected with the concept of HP that I believe in. I believe that my HP is a utter, complete source with all feeling and emotions that I should seek to derive in each situation in my life.

May I do Thy will always! Dopomóż mi, abym zawsze spełniał Twoja wole! – here is about the help that I need to fulfill the will of my HP in the Polish line which was stated one line before in English. It seems to be teamwork where I have important role to fulfill but only one role, not several dozen roles. It is like in basketball where I am like a point guard and my HP covers shooting guard, small and power forward and center positions. I simply enjoy to play with my HP in a team.

Piotr P., UK

The Loss of an Anchor

Dear Essay,

The Middle Georgia SA Group in Macon and Warner Robins mourns the passing of Bob C., who left a legacy of SA service. He died of congestive heart failure on 11 May 2018. Bob was a stalwart at the local meetings, always showing up early to put the literature out, and he did much of the behind-the-scenes work to keep the group’s annual October marathon going. He was an anchor for our group. Bob’s sobriety date was 4 June 2009.

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