What If?

What if, when I feel tired and weak, depleted and nervous, God is gently reminding me to rely on Him? What if I see the end of me as the start of God’s grace and power? What if His strength is all I need? What if my anxiety is a gift, because it reminds me that this life comes in moments, not days or years.

Love is a present-tense experience of other-based, positive action. Love is a covenant — a commitment to stand by someone else. God is wholly committed to me. It is this all-in commitment for others and Him that is divine. No other quality is more important.

What if I am enough today? What if God is enough today? What if He has always been more than enough and I have simply missed that reality?

Lord, may love and surrender mark my day today. May Your abundance and grace fill my heart. May Your love displace my fear and may Your word dispel my anxiety. Help me do my part to grow my faith and grant me serenity and faith to entrust everything else to you.

God, let Your love shine through me like a fog light so those who are lost, sick and dying may find Your love through me.


Matthew R., Oregon, USA

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