What’s Going On in SA

At SAICO, we often ask, “How are things? How is the meeting? What is your group doing?” At times, the news is good. What a great day when we hear of a new group starting or another meeting forming! Sometimes the news is not so good. We don’t like to report about meetings closing, but it is a fact of life. Some meetings struggle and do not make it. Good news is to hear that the members make it, even if the meetings fail. A good call is to hear from a member that a new meeting has been started. It is always good to hear from you all. So, keep the contacts coming in—ugly, bad, and good. We love hearing from you. Here is a sample of some recent replies to the question, “What’s new with you?”:

We are growing in San Francisco. We meet after the Thursday meeting for fellowship. Monday and Tuesday noon meetings are growing, and we just started a Wednesday night meeting as well.

San Francisco, CA

The Pittsburgh area intergroup collected over a hundred names of area counselors and sent them a letter telling them about SA. One of our recent projects was painting the meeting room (the kitchen) at the local church building where we meet.

SAIG Pittsburgh

We are in the process of setting up a website. More on that later. Our New Freedom book study meeting is doing great!

Springfield, MO

Our group is growing, and we’ll hopefully be able to add a new meeting or two soon.

Dallas, TX

I am new to this group and volunteered to monitor e-mail. The group is very small, only four members that I know of. So, I would say the group is surviving, but not thriving.

Madison, WI

Some of us went to Asheville, NC for the Spring Mountain Retreat. We came back saying, “That was great!” Then, we asked, “Why don’t we have a retreat like that in Atlanta?” So, we organized a committee, and we will be letting you know when and where.

Atlanta, GA

We received some inquiries and have responded, but the people have not come to us.

SA Guatemala

The group is still small but holding on. We have a committed core. We would appreciate referrals of potential members in the area.

Rochester, MN

We receive on average five emails per month, which compares well with our phone and PO Box service. Perhaps our own website would give us a boost.


The group is doing well. There are at least five strong meetings a week. Intergroup meets most months. We hosted a statewide retreat in August. We are currently working on outreach ideas. This Fall we plan to get a Yellow Pages ad to make us easier to find. We did a mailing this past Spring to the therapist community. We plan to ask the local events weekly for a weekly classified ad.

Albuquerque, NM

The group is doing so-so. We have very few members here, and sometimes there is only one of us in the meeting room. Still, the group is alive. The Japanese-speaking group is bigger and stronger.

SA Tokyo

We did a “Pass the Message” thing, sending brochures and a cover letter to about a dozen local therapists who specialize in our issues. Five folks came to a meeting; four are still attending.

Our Monday night Harrisburg meeting will be three years old in October. We started with five people, some of us transplants from Downingtown PA. We have had a slow but encouraging growth, first adding a Thursday night meeting and then, most recently, a Wednesday lunch meeting. Attendance on Mondays run six to twelve people; Wednesdays, three to seven, and Thursdays, five to eight.

There are about fifteen regular members who attend various combinations of our three meetings (I included Camp Hill since it is right across the river). A few folks travel between here and York, as well.

We look forward to the next international convention in Philadelphia in July.

We have some members acting as sponsors and we have a core group of sober, active SAs.

Harrisburg, PA

Our groups are doing well. We have a lot of sobriety. I am taking a six-year cake tonight. Another is taking a five-year cake. We have two members with over fourteen years; one with eight years, others at nine and six years. The rest are in the six months to three year range. We get a lot of email from members who are traveling and who want to catch a meeting.

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Report of the General Delegate Assembly
July 2004, Oklahoma City, OK

The Bylaws for Sexaholics Anonymous were revised and a format adopted by the General Delegate Assembly. They have been sent to our Tennessee lawyer for review. Following final approval, they will be published to the fellowship.

Funding to attend future General Delegate Assemblies for all Delegates from all Regions will be at the same level. This affirmation recognizes that there are now four International Regions that may each send a Delegate. This also provides for those Regions that decide to add another Delegate because of demographics. The funding formula is available from SAICO.

Work will begin immediately on the SA Service Manual by the Service Structure Committee. This manual will be helpful to groups and regions as they set up their own service structures.

The SA website will provide a public information service by listing website addresses to S-Anon, SAA, SLAA, SRA, and SCA. An appropriate disclaimer will be added respecting Tradition Six.

SAICO will establish a toll-free phone number for inquiries and order entry. The new number is 866/424-8777.

Finances have greatly improved through April. If donations continue at the present rate, the fellowship will no longer be operating at a deficit by the end of 2004.

New literature has been added, Practical Recovery Tools 1994 – 2003, which is available from SAICO and at the SAICO online Store at www.sa.org.

Flyers describing service work in international committees, as a General Assembly Delegate, and as a Trustee will be available from SAICO.

Tricia S., Dorene S., Carole L., Maria G., and Jenny M. were affirmed for another year of service as Trustees. There are still Trustee vacancies to fill.

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