Recovery in Africa

After 20 years in AA, I joined SA in 1997. Because I was knowledgeable about the Twelve Step program, I thought this would be easy. I just needed to admit I was powerless over lust and that my life was unmanageable. All would be well. I was totally wrong. I kept acting out with myself. Then I thought that if I only had sex with a partner, my problems would be over. I was wrong there too. I got married, but that did not help. Sponsorship has been my other problem. I have only had sponsors on the net or long distance.

I somehow think I am alone and maybe there is not anyone like me. We have a group of two here and meet only once in a while. I live in a society where people do not talk about sex and it is difficult for me to talk about sexual compulsion in any way.

Now I understand that I need to carry the message, beginning with the Twelve Step groups near me. I go to these meetings. I have a feeling of isolation and loneliness, of not belonging. Is it my lack of sobriety giving me this feeling of not belonging? I need help here and surely I need to start a local group of SA. All comments and suggestions will be welcomed.

Inder, Tanzania, Africa

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